Saturday, January 15, 2011

EPISODE 2 - DEEP THROAT [Show Notes] and Snow TraX

"Truth shall spring up from the earth,
and righteousness shall look down from heaven."
Psalm 85: 11

Extended open
My Review
Chelseas stuff
'X-Files Web Report' with Agent Summer (X-FilesFanbook Project:
'Counter-Intel' with Agent Stone
'Out There' with Chelsea
'The Truth is Still Out There' with Summer
Agent Shadow's Field Report
Chelsea with emails and contact info
Wrapup with contact info
Stones 'Preview' of the next episode
End theme with 'close quote' from the episode

Web Report:
Search for Snow TraX at iTunes
Search for X-Files Truth at Facebook
Search for The Truth in all things

All X-Files music by Mark Snow
'I Wanna Watch the X-Files in the Rain' by DarkAngeles


If you are worried that the podcast is too long, then
use the bathroom now or forever hold your purity control.

['The Truth']
I wanna watch the X-Files in the rain
On a big screen in the back yard
With the ten foot speakers
And the stereo sound
I wanna watch the X-Files in the rain
So don't you change the channel baby
Don't you turn the volume down

I've been hypnotized
By your government lies

I wanna watch the X-Files in the rain
On a big screen in the back yard
With the ten foot speakers
And the stereo sound
I wanna watch the X-Files in the rain
So don't you change the channel baby
Don't you turn the volume down
"Special Agent Mulder's insistence that Budahas may have been a test pilot...
[Dont you turn the volume down]
"...on a top secret project involving aircraft using recovered UFO technology, and may have suffered severe stress related trauma by flying these aircraft, is also inconclusive. Though, this Agent can corroborate Agent Mulder's eye-witness account of two
unidentified flying objects, in the northern sky over Ellens Air Base, their exact nature or design could not be determined. Barring further authorized inquiry, this case - filed `DF101364' - is closed ."


This show is a tribute to Mark Snow's music.
Today's show is ST15 Deep Throat

The music you're hearing in the background is
Ghost in the Machine

Today's Snow TraX are called:

Col Budahas
D.C. Pub
Deep Throat's Theme (Pts 1 and 2)
Intense Indiscretion
Restricted Area
Yellow Base

So here's the music of Deep Throat


That's all the music of Deep Throat.

If you have any comments, please contact me at:

Next show will be the music of Squeeze.

Thanks for joining me for the latest episode of
Snow TraX

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